Imaginarium: Recent submissions
Now showing items 1-20 of 31
Wędrujące tożsamości. Trzy studia o migracjach literackich we francuskojęzycznej Belgii
(Wydawnictwo UNUM, 2020)Troje polskich romanistów z Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego w Krakowie podjęło się ambitnego przedsięwzięcia – spojrzenia na tożsamościowe uwarunkowania literatury (post)migracyjnej powstałej w języku francuskim w Belgii ... -
Nowy Człowiek: wizje, projekty, języki
(Wydawnictwo UNUM, 2017)The notion of the New Man, in its various iterations, has functioned in European culture from its earliest history to the twenty-first century. This publication, through the juxtaposition and comparison of modern critical ... -
Człowiek z przeszczepionym sercem – Nowy Człowiek? O metamorfozach motywu przeszczepu w prozie XX i XXI wieku
(Wydawnictwo UNUM, 2017)Although by the second half of the twentieth century organ transplantation had become a standard medical procedure, in late-twentieth- and early twenty-first century films and literature it is still closely aligned with ... -
Głos wewnętrzny nowego człowieka – Księgi Jakubowe Olgi Tokarczuk i Ćwiczenia duchowne Przemysława Dakowicza
(Wydawnictwo UNUM, 2017)T. S. Eliot’s reference to the “inner voice” in The Function of Criticism is the starting point for this essay. For Eliot, the inner voice, or individual set of beliefs, amounts to a contradiction between the writer’s ... -
Wizja Nowego Człowieka w Wiwisekcji Mirona Białoszewskiego
(Wydawnictwo UNUM, 2017)The author examines anthropological issues in Miron Białoszewski’s Wiwisekcja. Her reflections on the play’s vision of the new man are grounded in the theoretical issues introduced into humanistic discourse by Ernst Cassirer ... -
Nowy człowiek, nowy poeta? Przykład Władysława Broniewskiego i Louisa Aragona
(Wydawnictwo UNUM, 2017)From the first decades of the twentieth century, the biblical myth of the new man and the new world has been at times the “vehicle,” at times the “stowaway,” of political ideology: the dream of communist society reactivates ... -
Niektóre aspekty wizji Nowego Człowieka w recepcji czytelniczej
(Wydawnictwo UNUM, 2017)The author interrogates the relationship between the author and the reader within the context of the process of creating the modernist vision of the New Man. What is the degree of activity on both sides of the equation in ... -
Uśmiech Nowego Człowieka: problem nowej tożsamości w literaturze Chicano
(Wydawnictwo UNUM, 2017)Based on an analysis of short fragments of selected texts by Gloria Anzaldúa, José Antonio Burciaga, and Pat Mora, the author focuses on how Chicanos view and describe their identity in literary works. The text touches on ... -
Dekonstrukcja nowego człowieka. Wygnanie i pamięć w dziele Vladimira Nabokova
(Wydawnictwo UNUM, 2017)As a Russian exile, Nabokov was wholly opposed to the Soviet ideology of the “new man.” The theme of memory, essential to his Russian and American novels, may be interpreted as his personal answer and poetical antidote to ... -
Nowy człowiek Miguela de Unamuno. Nuevo Mundo
(Wydawnictwo UNUM, 2017)This text presents the vision of the new man in the first novel written by the Spanish writer Miguel de Unamuno (1864–1936), but not published until 1994. Contrary to the dominant critical approaches that mine Unamuno’s ... -
Między starym a nowym. Poetyckie wizje nowego człowieka w La Légende d’un peuple Louisa Fréchette’a
(Wydawnictwo UNUM, 2017)This chapter focuses on the process of the creation of a “new mythology” of the first French settlers of Québec in Fréchette’s epic nineteenth-century poem. Composed in the poetic style of his time, the poem successively ... -
Literacka i intelektualna ekspresja „nowego człowieka” – brytyjskiego Kanadyjczyka (od relacji pierwszych osadników do pisarzy okresu poprzedzającego akt Konfederacji)
(Wydawnictwo UNUM, 2017)In her discourse about the first English settlers of North America, the author aims to determine the attributes of the typical Canadian, a man from a new geographical place and historical time predating the development of ... -
Między Kalifornią hippisów a paryskimi studentami. Kilka uwag o przystosowaniu i buncie
(Wydawnictwo UNUM, 2017)The author considers the origins of the contestation of the “old” man that gained ground in Europe and the United States in the second half of the twentieth century. Showing the stages of the transformations that took place ... -
Nowe stosunki międzyludzkie w prozie Julia Cortázara, Carlosa Fuentesa i autorów La Onda mexicana w świetle propozycji kontrkulturowych lat 60. XX wieku
(Wydawnictwo UNUM, 2017)Contemporary political and social movements opposed to global capitalism are reminiscent of the 1960s, a period of worldwide political, cultural, and social protests. This chapter studies the countercultural attitudes and ... -
Psychoanaliza w służbie komunistycznej utopii. O radzieckim projekcie antropologicznym
(Wydawnictwo UNUM, 2017)In the process of implementing their anthropological project, that is creating a new, perfect human being, the Bolsheviks sought inspiration from modern science and psychology, especially Freudian psychoanalysis, which was ... -
Homo Novus vs. Homo Vetus w Utopii Tomasza Morusa
(Wydawnictwo UNUM, 2017)The essay revisits Thomas More’s Utopia – the foundational text of the entire genre of utopian and dystopian fiction. It explores Utopia’s ambiguous and somewhat inconsistent view of human nature. On the one hand, More ... -
Nowy Człowiek a problem cywilizacji
(Wydawnictwo UNUM, 2017)Taking the concept of human nature as a starting point, the author discusses the problem of the so-called New Man. He shows that the relation: “human nature – civilization” is dialectical in character. The first part of ... -
W poszukiwaniu kondycji transkulturowej. António Vieira i Giorgio Agamben jako czytelnicy Listów Pawłowych
(Wydawnictwo UNUM, 2017)António Vieira, a seventeenth-century Portuguese Jesuit, heterodox thinker persecuted by the Inquisition, and missionary working in the Brazilian province of Maranhão, stands comparison with Giorgio Agamben as a reader of ... -
Od mikrokosmosu do nowego człowieka: refleksje na podstawie traktatów De hominis dignitate (1486) oraz Heptaplus (1489) Pica della Mirandoli
(Wydawnictwo UNUM, 2017)This chapter considers the idea of the new man through the prism of two texts by the Italian Neoplatonic philosopher Pico della Mirandola (1463–1494): Oration on the Dignity of Man and Heptaplus. The points of reference ... -
Średniowieczny święty jako „nowy człowiek”
(Wydawnictwo UNUM, 2017)The author investigates the medieval vision of sainthood. Against the background of ordinary human beings, the saint is perceived as not only morally superior to his brethren, but also radically different from them: a real ...